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QUALITY time:2009/12/12 15:42:03 from:  visit:4309
Based on past experience of rigorous quality control processes, Shenzhen Boyu Translation Co., Ltd. responds flexibly and reliably to all sorts of projects. 
Translation is brainwork that requires a high degree of intellectual ability. This ability can be taken full advantage of by making effective use of different types of information provided by customers with TRADOS or other translation memory tools. A language leader also plays an important role in producing uniform, high quality translations by leading translators and editors.
This well-organized cooperation brings translators and checkers together to produce quality translations. A project manager with excellent communication skills and staff management ability who is familiar with localization controls these processes and project members.
Process & Quality Control System
Step 1: File preparation
Before assigning files to translators, they are analyzed and grouped, tables of contents, indexes, and predefined expressions are translated, as appropriate, and build tests are conducted.
Step 2: Translation
Translators translate documents according to style guides and terms lists provided by customers, if any. Translators use TRADOS, ForeignDesk, or other translation support tools as requested by customers, and translate in collaboration with each other over a LAN on site. (Forming a project team for shared use of a translation memory (TM) improves translation quality and consistency.)
Step 3: Language review
In a language review, translations are compared against original sentences to check for incorrect translations or omissions. In this process, according to rules of technical writing, translations are rewritten to make them easier to read and understand. 
Step4: Proofreading
Proofreaders review translations against style guides and terms lists, if any, to ensure that they are in the correct formats, the guides or terms lists are followed, and correct expressions are used. 
Step 5: Technical review
System engineers with product knowledge review translations to check for technically incorrect descriptions.
Step 6: QA check
Staff responsible for QA extract 10% to 20% of translations reviewed in the previous processes and test the quality of the extract. They also keep track of and analyze the quality of original translations and reviewed translations and take measures to improve translation quality if a problem requires such measures.
1. QA staff extract 10% to 20% of the results of DTP and examine the extract in terms of the following:
• Correctness of translation
• Appropriateness of language
• Consistency with products
• Appropriateness of styles and terms
2. QA staff score -0.5 points for each error found. For any test item where the average score is -1 point or below, a 100% inspection is conducted and appropriate modifications are made for the detected items.
3. Implementation method
A QA check is conducted for each lot, which consists of 50 files. QA staff extracts 10% to 20% of 50 files or 5 to 10 files and check them according to check sheets. If 2 or more areas to be modified are found in a single file, they conduct a 100% inspection and make appropriate modifications for the entire lot.
Step 7: Check by customers
After checks by customers, we deliver translations that reflect customers' requests for modification, if any. 
Step 8: Completion
The whole project is completed with all the clearance of the localization work and the payment, duties of both parties of the project.

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