学校、院校等教育机构英文词汇 小学:primary/elementary school 中学:middle/high school 初中:junior high school 高中:senior high school 大专:college 大学:university 小学校长:Headmaster 中学校长:Principal 大学代理校长:Acting President 大学副校长:Vice President 大学校长:President 大学名誉校长:Chancellor 义务教育:compulsory education 学前教育:preschool education 特殊教育:special education 高等教育:higher education/tertiary education
教育目标主要英文词汇 素质教育:quality-oriented education/education designed to rasie to overall quality of students 陶冶情操:cultivate one's taste and temperanment 五讲四美三热爱:the movement of "five stresses, four points of beauty and three loves" 以人为本:people oriented/foremost 有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律:with lofty ideals, integrity, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline 德才兼备:to combine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and ability
教育课程、教育方式英语词汇 公开棵:open class 课程:course; curriculum 必修课:required/compulsory course 选修课:optional/elective course 基础课:basic course 专业课:specialized course 课程表:school timetable 课外活动:extracurricular activities 课外辅导:instruction after class 课外阅读:outside reading 课堂讨论:class discussion 大学的研究小组、讨论会:seminar 教学大纲:teaching program; syllabus 教学内容:content of courses 毕业典礼:graduation ceremony; commencement 毕业鉴定:graduation appraisal 毕业论文:thesis; dissertation 毕业生:graduate 毕业实习:graduation field work 毕业证书:diploma;graduation certificate 网上教学:online teaching/education 函授课程:correspondence course
人才类英语口译词汇 人才高地:talent highland 人才交流:talent exchange 人才流失:brain drain 人才战:competition for talented people 双向选择:tow-way selection 有识之士:people of vision 职业培训:job training 智力引进:recruit/introduce talents 智力支持:intellectual support 智囊团:brain trust/think tank 专门人才:professional personnel